M e g a n + B a i l e y | Max Patch

Megan and I met sophomore year of college in anatomy lab, and ever since she has been the truest of friends. I don’t know anyone more “for” the people in their life than Megan Beckett. She is the companion for doctor’s visits, study buddy, and dinner club chef 5/7 days of the week. She loves big and makes everyone around her feel cared for. As soon as I met Bailey Handy I knew this was going to be a good story. He radiates kindness and no dream is too big for him when it comes to loving people. That’s why he landed this girl with not only a ring, but a puppy too.

For Megan and Bailey’s engagement session, we headed up to Asheville, North Carolina for none other than Max Patch Mountain. This is the location where Megan looked at Bailey for the first time and knew that he would someday be the man she married. It gives me chills just writing that. We stayed at a sweet horse farm in Brevard, NC. Megan and Bailey really wanted to bring Chapel and Wade (the engagement puppy) along to hop in the pictures. Trevor reminded me, once again, that he loves to support my dreams as he played dog wrangler for two hours so that we could capture these engagement photos. I’m so excited to share my favorites from this gallery--It was the sweetest of days.